black and white bed linen

Vida Judía

Descubre la rica cultura, tradiciones y festividades de la comunidad judía en nuestra región.

Todo sobre la vida judía

Descubre la rica cultura judía, sus festividades, comidas, rezos y tradiciones. Aquí encontrarás información valiosa y fotos que celebran la vida en la comunidad judía.

A group of people sitting around a table, likely engaged in a meal. One person, who is wearing a kippah, is reading from a book. The table is set with plates, a bottle of wine, and various dishes of food. The image is in black and white.
A group of people sitting around a table, likely engaged in a meal. One person, who is wearing a kippah, is reading from a book. The table is set with plates, a bottle of wine, and various dishes of food. The image is in black and white.



Cultura y Tradición

Vida Judía

Galería Judía

Explora imágenes de la vida judía, sinagogas y comidas tradicionales.

A hand is lighting candles on a menorah, which is a candelabrum typically used in Jewish rituals. The menorah is made of metal with tree branch-like holders. One candle has already been lit, and others are unlit.
A hand is lighting candles on a menorah, which is a candelabrum typically used in Jewish rituals. The menorah is made of metal with tree branch-like holders. One candle has already been lit, and others are unlit.
A lit menorah with five candles, surrounded by a small figurine playing a violin, a silver decorative pitcher, and a plate of three powdered doughnuts. The background is dark with colorful out-of-focus lights creating a festive atmosphere.
A lit menorah with five candles, surrounded by a small figurine playing a violin, a silver decorative pitcher, and a plate of three powdered doughnuts. The background is dark with colorful out-of-focus lights creating a festive atmosphere.


Si tienes preguntas sobre la vida judía, no dudes en contactarnos. Estamos aquí para ayudarte.